Businesses: Are you connecting with your customers in the new millennium ?

Australian businesses have failed to meet the demands of two critical technical issues and are losing competitiveness and profitability: mobility and  social engagement.
Combined with customer urgency, they have an overwhelming knock-on effect on customer loyalty.

Mobility is the new black.

PC’s and desktop machines dominated the end of last century, however we now more powerful devices in our pockets than the computers that sent man to the moon!

Over 35% of searches are from mobile devices, and growing.

Not just mobile phones either: tablets & iPad’s have now overtaken smartphones for accessing the internet.

If your site is not mobile, you’re toast.

Get mobile now.

Brand recognition is simply not enough in today’s digital environment.

The internet has empowered your customers to find the cheapest products, locate products with alternative colours and sizes, and compete internationally with your business. It’s given them an uneven playing field.

If you are continuing to see a decline in your profitability, talk to us today about how to bring customers back to your door.

Industry leaders are telling you, “You need to be on the social networks.”

However over 90% of businesses on Facebook have no idea if it’s working for them.

So why bother ? Sure, you might be paying $350 to acquire 500 “Likes” a month, but are they doing anything for you – other than making your business “look good” ?

Talk to us today about CRO, conversion rate optimisation, and understand what you are getting for your hard earned cash.

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If your website is serving up in less than 6 seconds, you’ve lost your clients.

Nowdays, it’s merely seconds that count when catching a customers attention. You don’t want to be driving your customers to the competition simply because your website isn’t fast enough to deliver content to their mobile or tablet device.

Stop splitting hairs to save money on hosting. Get 100% robust Aussie hosting and keep everyone happy.

Ditch your costly IT department: you’ve been supporting their way of life long enough.

Our service support team enable you to significantly reduce the cost of your website IT requirements all the while maintaining website security.

We will happily undertake website upgrades, website migrations, SEO analysis, website backups, security upgrades.

Before you purchase this item please contact us about your situation so that we can recommend the correct amount of time to allocate to the job.

Sure Fire Web Pty Ltd assists your business to profitably connect
with customers through strategic online marketing and digital integration.

Unlike social media marketing companies, whose aim is to promote your business on the social networks, Sure Fire Web empowers your online presence so that every contact you make with your customer is profitable.

We help remove the barriers between your business and customers by making your website presence mobile, improve customer engagement and help to transform your business with customer loyalty initiatives.

If your bottom line is reflecting these negative trends, then you need to act today. Can you afford complacency ?


Over 80% of mobile phones will be smartphones by 2015. Over 30% of website traffic is from mobiles. Unless your business is mobile, you’re toast.


Around 40% of customers are leaked to your competitors. We bring them back. You are the hero.


People look at 1,000’s of marketing messages a day. Is yours lost in the noise ?


Online sales are growing 30% a year since last century. Mobile commerce is growing 300% a year since the iPhone. Get up, or pack up.